Why Do We Use Video Marketing?

If your quick response to "Why does your company use video marketing?" is "Because everyone else is doing it," then you are not thinking deep enough, and probably not getting the results you are looking for. Video marketing can solve a lot of problems, but if you don't know what the core of the problem is to start with, you are going to miss your mark and waste a lot of time and resources. There are a plenty of good reasons why to use video in your marketing, but the main reason should be to solve a problem that you, or your customer, has.

The first step is to identify your pain point-- the problem that you, or your customer, need to solve. Once you determine that, you can choose the best type of solution to address that directly, and if the answer is video, you then determine the best type of video to solve that problem. Are you showing off your new product to get your customers excited? Do you want to explain to them how to use your product? Do you want previous customers to do the talking for you?  Are you simply trying to drive people to your website? The options are as endless as the results!  [See our blog What Type of Video is Best for My Business?]

So WHY VIDEO? That's easy!

  • Video builds trust with your customers
  • Video boosts conversions and sales
  • Video will provide significant Return on Investment (aka ROI)
  • Video will improve your Google ranking
  • Video marketing uses sight, sound and motion to bring your brand and product to life
  • Video encourages social shares

Bringing in an outside resource to help you determine the best solution is worth the effort and cost. And if you don't have the creativity or resources to bring your idea to life, that's where CRASH+SUES can help! Bring us in at any point in the process from concept to execution. Give us a call and see how we can help you.

Video Marketing, Video, Video Production, Animatioh, Advertising


Strategic America Goes BIG for Iowa Lottery

Strategic America reached out to CRASH+SUES to help their client, the Iowa Lottery, inform Iowans that everyone’s favorite game, MONOPOLY™, is back and there is a lot of cash to win.
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DC Group | Sales Video Campaign

‍DC Group asked CRASH+SUES to develop a series of videos for the sales team for use in an email campaign targeted to prospects.
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Five Stone Media | Campaign for Hope

C+S has worked with Five Stone Media for many years and recently helped them with a print campaign for their current fundraiser called the Campaign for Hope.
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