Urban Ventures | 30th Anniversary
Urban Ventures (UV) has been working for over 30 years to break the cycle of poverty in south Minneapolis. UV believes education is the closest thing they have found to break this cycle. Providing a path for every student to pursue post-high school education is challenging. Each life is different, there is no one size fits all. Urban Ventures has found that a holistic approach, a cradle-to-career model, providing support at every stage of development, is the best way to best serve our community. That way, no matter what path a student is on, we have an opportunity to create a better one.
CRASH+SUES was challenged to bring this compelling story to life in a way that is relevant to a wide range of audiences. We collaborated with our client to develop a script that was clear and engaging and used motion graphics and animation to tell this important story. The video was introduced at Urban Ventures 30th Anniversary Gala. Many commented that the video not only helped them better understand the challenges faced by the community, it also clearly articulated the many programs and pathways Urban Ventures provided to help the community find a new path to a better life.