The Challenge

Despite the best-intentioned prevention efforts, the reality is high-value data loss happens every day— because hey, we're human. Today, more than 50,000 organizations worldwide rely on Code 42 to protect their data from loss. Code42 brought in CRASH+SUES to help them create a memorable campaign to help humanize their brand and differentiate it from their competitors stuck in the marketing world of 1s and 0s.


Code42 first approached CRASH+SUES with an immediate need for a recruiting video. The client was short on trust—and budget, having previously contracted a video with another agency who failed to deliver. CRASH+SUES quickly stepped in working with both the Minneapolis and Denver offices to provide expertise and guidance from concept to completion. To maximize our production budget, CRASH+SUES suggested we simultaneously shoot a series of thought leadership videos with key executives who had agreed to block off time to be interviewed for the recruiting video.


Code42 approached CRASH+SUES with a request to bring their customer testimonials to life and also showcase their digital products via video. After participating in a series of high level strategy meetings, CRASH+SUES proposed and produced a series of animated videos, surpassing the marketing team’s expectations and helping them achieve their objectives.


expanding the brand


Developed an illustrated style to reflect Code42’s unique position in the SAAS marketplace.


CRASH+SUES presented multiple style frames for both the featured characters and the computer screens. Ultimately, we determined the characters would be illustrated in a gestural style to emphasize their humanness.


In the end we combined our abstracted screens with our characters by using interesting and dynamic transitions to jump back and forth between the office environments and the motion graphics world. The end result is a fast-paced video that keeps viewers engaged and entertained throughout the entire series of videos.
“CRASH+SUES helped us stand out and boldly break away from the predictable look and feel you typically see in the B2B tech.”



The name “Code42” contains a subtle nod to the cult sci-fi classic, The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Playing off of that aspect of the brand we scattered a variety of “Easter” eggs throughout the background and set designs. Even the fictional company we developed for the series, Whale & Petunia, is another reference to the book. They would have had a rough year, if Code42 hadn’t stepped in to save the day.


The customer testimonial characters are caricatures closely based on the real customers telling the story.


We designed and developed an IT team for Whale & Petunia. These characters wrangle problems throughout each of the six product videos.


The customer testimonial characters are caricatures closely based on the real customers telling the story.



​In late summer of 2017, Code42 asked CRASH+SUES to develop additional print and digital marketing materials to support the existing brand. These included:

- Six characters illustrating their primary users for their “Field Guide to Data Protection”

- Twelve social media backgrounds

- A holiday greeting card


The customer testimonial characters are caricatures closely based on the real customers telling the story.

In January of 2018, Code42 shifted their brand messaging from a company that backs up and restores data, to a company that protects ideas and once again turned to CRASH+SUES to help launch the initiative. We worked within their budget using stock footage and text to produce two versions of a brand video aimed at both internal and external audiences. Because their core offerings remain the same, they are continuing to use the animated product and customer testimonial videos which still fit within the brand.


CRASH+SUES took the time to immerse ourselves in Code42’s business and their culture so we could genuinely understand their needs. We worked closely with the Code42 marketing team, both in person and remotely. Using Slack chat and email to communicate efficiently, our team became a true partnership.


Loop us in early. Give us a call as soon as you’re even thinking about a video, so we can help you brainstorm to determine what approach might work best.

Let us get inside your business. We want to learn about your brand, your customers, your competitors, your greatest threats and your biggest “wins.” The more we know, the more proactive we can be.

Consider us an extension of your marketing team. Great ideas don’t occur in a vacuum. We love the give and take of collaborating with your team to take an idea from “good” to “better” to “best.”

Don’t be afraid to give us feedback. We’re always striving to improve our clients’ experiences. We want and value your input.